Tel: 01293 772576

Frequently Asked Questions - Learn more about demetia and frail elderly care at Smallbrook Care Home

We at Smallbrook Care Home have put together some of the answers to our most frquently asked questions. If you have any other specific questions or if you would like some further details then please contact us here.

You will be expected to pay for all of your care and this is known as self-funding.

There is a sliding scale of local authority contribution between the two.

The local authority will offer their maximum support but that is typically around half of normal private care home room fees. Many people have the majority of their capital tied up in their Home. If your loved one are leaving their Home (and spouse no longer resides there) then the full Care Home fee will be covered by the local authority who are then refunded from the house sale proceeds. This is known as a “deferred placement”.

Unfortunately we cannot accommodate pets at Smallbrook.

Here at Smallbrook we have our wonderful activities coordinator who schedules a variety of activities for our residents each day. This varies from in house activities, in house visits, and off site trips too. 

We are proud to have our in house purpose built kitchen and wonderful Chefs, providing fresh, home cooked meals for our residents each day.

The menu is varied and available to view in the home each week, with different options provided to choose from for each meal.

 There are set meal times allocated for breakfast, lunch and dinner set up in our dining room, however of course we can be accommodating to each individuals’ needs within the home, and a tray service is available to have in-room dining at no extra charge.

The Chefs also prepare fresh treats and snacks throughout the day, which are freely available for our residents and guests of the Care Home to enjoy. 

Please contact us for updated information.

Please contact us for updated information.

All our staff are DBS checked and regulated. Our care staff will hold a variety of HCA or care qualifications or working towards.

There is no generic answer for this, as our care at Smallbrook is all on an individual needs basis. However we will always do everything we can to accommodate any changes in circumstances to enable our residents to stay with us, to the best of our ability. 

“Our main aim is to be no ordinary care home! To achieve this, we create a safe, kind and relaxing ‘home from home’ atmosphere, providing residents with privacy, dignity, respect and choice. We encourage independence wherever possible, but primarily, we support and maintain person-centred care that is adaptable to changing needs.”

Phillip Connell, CEO Asprey Healthcare

Smallbrook provide outstanding care and warmth for your loved ones

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